Reimagining International Development
Volume 28, Issue 1 | March 2020
In this issue, feminist activists suggest ways of doing development differently. By challenging racism, colonialism and sexism within the sector, we can transform development into a global partnership between equals.
Gender & Development is published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis. If you are interested in subscribing to the journal, please visit the Routledge website. (Please note the reduced subscription rates available for low and middle-income countries.)
Below, you can find free access to the Introduction, four articles, and the Resources and Book Reviews sections of the issue.
For free access to all of the articles, visit the Oxfam Policy & Practice publications section.

Introduction: Reimagining International Development
Mary Ann Clements and Caroline Sweetman
Towards an intersectional praxis in international development: what can the sector learn from Black feminists located in the global North?
Neha Kagal and Lia Latchford
Re-imagining development by (re)claiming feminist visions of development alternatives
Tina Wallace
Building new practices of solidarity: the community mobilisation in crisis project Emily Regan Wills, Diana El Richani and Nadia Abu-Zahra
Making the case for a transformed development ecosystem: a feminist reflection on the experience of RootsLab in Lebanon
Rania Eghnatios and Francesca El Asmar
Decolonising emotional well-being and mental health in development: African feminist innovations
Jessica Horn
Disrupting and democratising development: community philanthropy as theory and practice
Jenny Hodgson
Caution! Feminists at work: building organisations from the inside out
Ella Scheepers and Ishtar Lakhani
Reimagining equity: redressing power imbalances between the global North and the global South
Alex Martins
Re-imagining resilience: supporting feminist women to lead development with transformative practice
Shawna Wakefield and Kristen Zimmerman
Using critical reflection to question self and power in international development
Brianna Strumm
Here you can find additional materials related to the issue. These are compiled by Liz Cooke
Book Reviews
Gender Training: A Transformative Tool for Gender Equality by Lucy Ferguson. Reviewed by Ines Smyth
Engendering Transformative Change in International Development by Gillian Fletcher. Reviewed by Lata Narayanaswamy
Human Capital in Gender and Development by Sydney Calkin. Reviewed by Penny Griffin
Feminist Advocacy, Family Law and Violence Against Women; International Perspectives edited by Mahnaz Afkhami, Yakın Ertürk and Ann Elizabeth Mayer. Reviewed by Rothna Begum
The Global Gag Rule and Women’s Reproductive Health: Rhetoric Versus Reality by Yana van der Meulen Rodgers. Reviewed by Sally Theobald