Help choose G&D’s themes for 2020-21!

Caroline SweetmanUncategorized

Happy holidays to all! Calling all feminists working inside and outside international development and humanitarian work. We’re looking for five future themes for issues from July 2020 – July 2021. This is the first time we’ve gone public online with this ask. See a full list of all the themes we’ve ever covered here. (Meanwhile here in the G&D office, our …

Young feminists, new feminisms

Caroline SweetmanUncategorized

Imogen Davies and Caroline Sweetman, editors of our new issue on Young Feminisms, write: Today, 24.6 per cent of the world’s population is aged between 10 and 24. Almost nine out of ten live in less-developed countries. In many countries, youth populations make up over half or even two-thirds of their total: 56 per cent of the population in Guatemala is …

"Participatory video project Nepal" by CGIAR Climate is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Call for Contributions: Feminist Values in Research

Caroline SweetmanUncategorized

THIS CALL IS NOW CLOSED Our November 2019 issue will focus on Feminist Values in Research. See our Call for Contributions here! Research needs to be rooted in the experience, needs, and interests of the whole of humanity. But down the centuries, educated elites have shaped and dominated research and defined knowledge and learning. Increasingly, international development is acknowledging the …

Should there be a 5th World Conference on Women in 2020?

Liz CookeUncategorized

The UN Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995 was a landmark moment for women’s rights and gender equality, and over the past few years there have been calls for another conference, on a similar scale, to take place. As a follow up to our panel session in New York this September (Beijing 25 Years On: Unfinished Business) …

Recording: listen to our ICTs online event

Liz CookeUncategorized

Beyond Access: Using Digital to Further Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (held on Thursday 27 September) is now available to listen to here. It features: Sara Baker of Take Back the Tech! Dhanaraj Thakur from the Alliance for Affordable Internet, an initiative of the Web Foundation Divya Titus #IWillGoOut Campaign, social activist and gender consultant Amy O’Donnell, Digital Specialist at Oxfam, …

London launch of ICTs issue at SOAS 15 November 2018

Caroline SweetmanUncategorized

We’re delighted to announce a London panel event – Feminists doing digital – to launch our ICTs issue, on Thursday 15 November 2018, hosted by the Centre of Gender Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. It’s at 5pm  for a 5.30pm start, ending at 7pm, UK time. Register to attend in person at the Khalili Lecture Theatre, London WC1H 0XG. We’ll also …

Beijing 25 years on: unfinished business – join our NY event

Caroline SweetmanUncategorized

We’re delighted to announce G&D’s co-sponsoring a panel event hosted by Anne Marie Goetz of New York University’s SPS Center for Global Affairs, 6.30-7.45pm, Monday 24th September. We’ll be talking about the unfinished and new business in the women’s rights agenda that exists nearly 25 years after Beijing, amid democratic reversals of recent years that have included attacks on women’s rights, …

Renu Bala, President of Panjhorvanga Dairy Enterprise, Bangladesh, uses her tablet to communicate with buyers and collect market information. Credit: Abir Abdullah/Oxfam

Feminists doing digital

Caroline SweetmanUncategorized

By 2020, almost three quarters of the world’s population – or 5.7 billion people – will subscribe to mobile services. The number of people using the Internet is also rising exponentially. What is this doing to us, and to the world we live in? The new issue of Gender & Development focuses on ICTs from the perspective of women’s rights and gender justice. …

Call for Contributions: Humanitarian action and crisis response

Caroline SweetmanUncategorized

Photo credit: Refugee camps in Kenya – IHH Humanitarian Relief THIS CALL IS NOW CLOSED Our July 2019 issue will focus on Humanitarian Action and Crisis Response. It’ll be a jointly-edited issue with UN-Women’s Humanitarian Action and Crisis Response Office. Gender equality and women’s empowerment is central to a rights-based, effective and efficient humanitarian action that bridges the humanitarian-development-peace divide. …

Audio podcast from 25th birthday London event!

Caroline SweetmanUncategorized

Here’s a short audio podcast from our 11 May event hosted by the UK Development Studies Association’s Women in Development Study Group, to mark the journal’s 25th birthday. In this podcast, five of the activist researchers at the event introduce themselves and their research, explain why they are passionate about gender and development, and celebrate G&D as an activist journal …