"Participatory video project Nepal" by CGIAR Climate is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Call for Contributions: Feminist Values in Research

Caroline SweetmanUncategorized


Our November 2019 issue will focus on Feminist Values in Research. See our Call for Contributions here! Research needs to be rooted in the experience, needs, and interests of the whole of humanity. But down the centuries, educated elites have shaped and dominated research and defined knowledge and learning. Increasingly, international development is acknowledging the gender, race and class bias in research, and the human cost of this.

Feminists in development are exploring and learning from the stories, experiences and priorities of women and LGBTQI+ people, doing research that seeks to end the power imbalances between the researchers and the researched. They’re also doing feminist research with men. This issue explores how feminist values and voices can be embodied and embedded in research in ways that promote social justice and support the realisation of sustainable human development. Feminist researchers are trialling new approaches and sharing knowledge in in policy and practice research as well as academic institutions.

Interested in contributing to the issue? For more information read the full CallNOTE the extended new closing date for ideas is 10 January 2019. Please email your idea in a paragraph to the Editor, Caroline Sweetman, at csweetman@oxfam.org.uk. Joining Caroline as Guest Editors for this issue are Lata Narayanaswamy, University of Leeds, and Katy Jenkins, University of Northumbria.

Picture attribution:

A group of 12 women from Dhanusha District, south Nepal, received three days video production training and shot their own stories about how climate change has affected their livelihoods. The project was funded by The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and organised by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in India. Photo: Pawan Kumar.