Call for Contributions: Humanitarian action and crisis response

Caroline SweetmanUncategorized

Photo credit: Refugee camps in Kenya – IHH Humanitarian Relief


Our July 2019 issue will focus on Humanitarian Action and Crisis Response. It’ll be a jointly-edited issue with UN-Women’s Humanitarian Action and Crisis Response Office.

Gender equality and women’s empowerment is central to a rights-based, effective and efficient humanitarian action that bridges the humanitarian-development-peace divide.  We live in a world where crisis has become the new normal, and gender-responsive approaches to humanitarian action are required to meet growing needs, and reach those left furthest behind.

For full information on the issue and how to contact us to tell us about the article you’d like to contribute, read our Call for Contributions. We want this issue to share the insights and analysis of women’s rights and gender activists working in humanitarian practice, policy, and research, keen to contribute their thinking to improve humanitarian action and crisis response. If you’d like to be part of this issue, please send an email by 30 September 2018 outlining your idea to Caroline Sweetman at