"Participatory video project Nepal" by CGIAR Climate is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Podcast: What does feminist research really look like?


  Welcome to the first in G&D’s new series of podcasts! In this podcast Liz Cooke, assistant editor of Gender & Development, speaks to three contributors to the November 2019 issue of G&D, which focuses on the challenges of putting a feminist research agenda into practice. Our contributors talk to us about their research, undertaken in very different contexts. Michelle …

Taking a toilet break: on the railway line


Having unmet needs for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) not only endangers life, it can negatively affect all aspects of daily existence, and women and girls suffer the most. Editor, Caroline Sweetman, introduces the WASH issue of  Gender & Development. Imagine you’re a teenage girl, dying to go to the loo – but you can’t, until your mother comes home. Without …

Intersectionality Symposium | Oxfam & Simmons School of Management


Oxfam and The Center for Gender in Organizations, Simmons College, Boston, USA, 23-24 March 2015 Conference Report by Liz Cooke Convened by Oxfam America, Oxfam Novib, Oxfam Intermon and The Center for Gender in Organizatons, Simmons College, Boston, this symposium brought together representatives from across the Oxfam confederation and members of The Center for Gender in Organizatons to examine Intersectionality …

Learning Project: Integrating Care into Development Practice


In November 2013 Gender & Development  launched its third Learning Project, this time focusing on Care.Care has an increasingly high profile as an issue in international spaces, but development practitioners, activists and researchers continue to encounter many challenges in making it visible, valued and recognised. This Learning Project aims to collate, synthesise and inspire learning on Care by: highlighting new …

Gender & Development at AWID Forum 2012


Gender & Development reception On April 19 to 22 over 2000 women’s rights leaders and activists from around the world gathered at the Haliç Congress Center in Istanbul, Turkey for the 12th AWID International Forum, the theme of which was ‘Transforming Economic Power to Advance Women’s Rights and Justice’. Gender & Development was delighted to be there, hosting what has become for us …

Learning Project: Gender and the Economic Crisis Learning Project


In 2009 Gender & Development led a learning project on gender and the economic crisis in partnership with Oxfam GB. Project aims To provide a forum for researchers, academics, feminist activists and gender and development advocates and community workers to come together to focus on gender equality and women’s rights in the economic crisis, and to position Oxfam as a …

Learning Project: Beyond Gender Mainstreaming


From November 2011 to November 2012 Gender & Development ran a major Learning Project on Beyond Gender Mainstreaming, in partnership with the UK Gender and Development Network (GADN).The project involved a conceptual discussion about experience and successes of different approaches to integrating gender and women’s rights into development and humanitarian work. We aimed to distil best practice and innovation, and answer some …