Gender & Development reception
On April 19 to 22 over 2000 women’s rights leaders and activists from around the world gathered at the Haliç Congress Center in Istanbul, Turkey for the 12th AWID International Forum, the theme of which was ‘Transforming Economic Power to Advance Women’s Rights and Justice’.
Gender & Development was delighted to be there, hosting what has become for us a regular event at AWID Forums – our Gender & Development evening reception.
Guests heard from our Associate Editor, Ruth Pearson, along with Gender & Development Editorial Advisory Group member, Lina Abou-Habib (Executive Director of Lebanon-based NGO, CRTD-A), and long-standing friend of the journal, Professor Diane Elson (University of Essex, UK). They spoke about the journal, and the contribution it has made to the field of gender and development over the past 20 years. We were also thrilled to have Ester Jirome, winner of the Tanzanian Female Food Hero competition with us.
Gender & Development photographic exhibition
On display at the reception was our new photographic exhibition, which highlights women’s role as producers and procesors of food. You can view all photos in the exhibition, below.
View in full size to see the captions.
In November 2010, Gender & Development published a special issue of the journal, focusing on Food (Volume 18, number 3).