Volume 26, Issue 1 | March 2018
Picture attribution: Mídia Ninja
Sexuality is still widely treated as a private matter, but it affects every aspect of life. Failing to see it as a public concern relieves the state and other powerful actors from their responsibility to uphold, protect and respect the rights of all - in particular women and people with diverse sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI).
Challenging patriarchal norms and compulsory heterosexuality carries a high price. Activists share their strategies to love and live free from abuse and violence, and challenge biases within society and its institutions - including development and humanitarian sectors - to realise economic, social and political justice.
Gender & Development is published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis. If you are interested in subscribing to the journal, please visit the Routledge website. (Please note the reduced subscription rates available for low and middle-income countries.)
Below, you can find free access to the Introduction, three articles, and the Resources and Book Reviews sections of the issue.
For free access to all of the articles, visit the Oxfam Policy & Practice publications section.

Introduction: Sexualities
Pauline Oosterhoff and Caroline Sweetman
Exploring experiences of heterosexism and coping strategies among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons in Swaziland
Carmen H. Logie, Amaya Perez-Brumer, Emma Woolley, Veli Madau, Winnie Nhlengethwa, Peter A. Newman and Stefan D. Baral
Transgender employment and entrepreneurialism in Vietnam
Pauline Oosterhoff and Tu-Anh Hoang
Disrupting the ‘life-cycle’ of violence in social relations: recommendations for anti-trafficking interventions from an analysis of pathways out of sex work for women in Eastern India
Mirna Guha
Lesbian and bisexual women in Cuba: family, rights, and policy
Evie Browne
LGBTQI-identified human rights defenders: courage in the face of adversity at the United Nations
Nick J. Mulé
Bringing diverse sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) into peacebuilding policy and practice
Megan Daigle and Henri Myrttinen
‘Being young and LGBT, what could be worse?’ Analysis of youth LGBT activism in Indonesia: challenges and ways forward
Rinaldi Ridwan and Joyce Wu
Coming together. Experiences and lessons from an LGBTQI project in three countries
Nicolette Matthijsen
Christian Aid and LGBTI rights: breaking the silence
Clare Paine
Reconceptualising and contextualising sexual rights in the MENA region: beyond LGBTQI categories
Nof Nasser-Eddin, Nour Abu-Assab and Aydan Greatrick
Here you can find additional materials related to the issue. These are compiled by Liz Cooke.
Book Reviews
Edited by Liz Cooke
Constitutions and Gender edited by Helen Irving. Reviewed by Adrien K. Wing
The Big Push: Exposing and Challenging the Persistence of Patriarchy by Cynthia Enloe. Reviewed by Caroline Sweetman
Gender and Employment in Rural China by Jing Song. Reviewed by Sally Sargeson
Has Democracy Failed Women? by Drude Dahlerup. Reviewed by Anne Marie Goetz