Violence Against Women and Girls
Volume 24, Issue 2, July, 2016
Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is a central concern for development, both from a human rights perspective, and from the point of view of the economic and social costs that VAWG represents. The scale of VAWG is shocking; the World Health Organization estimates one in three women will directly experience either or both of two forms of VAWG: intimate partner violence, or sexual violence from a non-partner. Authors in this issue of Gender & Development analyse and assess a range of approaches to VAWG, and strategies aiming to end or minimise this human rights abuse, which blights the lives of women, families, and societies across the globe.
Gender & Development is published by Routledge. If you are interested in subscribing to the journal, please visit the Routledge website. (Please note the reduced subscription rates available for low and middle income countries.)
For free access to the articles in the Violence Against Women and Girls issue, please visit the Oxfam Policy & Practice website, and search the site using the article title or author name.
There is free access to the Introduction, three articles, and the Resources and Book Reviews Sections of the issue, below.
Introduction to Gender, Development and Violence Against Women and Girls
Christine Hughes, Caroline Marrs and Caroline Sweetman
High risk feminism in El Salvador: women’s mobilisation in violent times
Julia Zulver
Grassroots responses to violence against women and girls in post-earthquake Nepal: lessons from the field
Kay Standing, Sara Parker and Sapana Bista
Faith paths to overcome violence against women and girls in Brazil
Sarah de Roure and Chiara Capraro
‘Two months of marriage were enough to turn my life upside down.’ Early marriage as a form of gender-based violence
Souad Belhorma
Shifting negative social norms rooted in unequal gender and power relationships to prevent violence against women and girls
Laura Haylock, Rukia Cornelius, Anthony Malunga and Kwezilomso Mbandazayo
Building capacity for a disability-inclusive response to violence against women and girls: experiences from the W-DARE project in the Philippines
Cathy Vaughan, Alexandra Devine, Raquel Ignacio, Wanet Lacsamana, Ma. Jesusa Marco, Jerome Zayas and Carolyn Sobritchea
The Communities Care Program: changing social norms to end violence against women and girls in conflict-affected communities
Sophie Read-Hamilton and Mendy Marsh
Feminist mobilisation for policy change on violence against women: insights from Asia
Paola Cagna and Nitya Rao
Unintended complicities: preventing violence against women in South Africa
Lisa Vetten
Compiled by Liz Cooke
Resources List – Violence Against Women and Girls
Book Reviews
Edited by Liz Cooke
Gender, Development and Globalization (Second Edition), by Lourdes Benería, Günseli Berik and Maria S. Floro
Reviewed by Alessandra Mezzadri
Masculinities in the Making: From the Local to the Global, by James W. Messerschmidt
Reviewed by Bob Pease
Women, Gender, Remittances and Development in the Global South, edited by Ton van Naerssen, Lothar Smith, Tine Davids and Marianne H. Marchand
Reviewed by Deborah Eade