The Sustainable Development Goals
Volume 24, Issue 1, March
The Sustainable Development Goals, which replace the Millennium Development Goals, will form a significant element in the constellation of international agreements which will shape the world for women in the next decade and a half. They should offer an entry point to movements fighting for rights and social justice, including women’s movements, and to all involved in fighting economic inequality and poverty. The articles in this issue of G&D are written by a range of prominent women’s rights activists and advocates – many of whom have been directly involved in the creation of Agenda 2013 and the SDGs – and offer a ‘first cut’ analysis. The authors focus on the outcomes of the negotiation process, and the potential these offer to feminists working inside and outside official ‘development’ circles to progress gender equality and women’s rights in the years to come.
Gender and Development is published by Routledge. If you are interested in subsribing to the journal, please visit the Routledge website. (Please note the reduced subscription rates available for low and middle-income countries.
For free access to the articles in the Sustainable Development Goals issue, please visit our page on the Oxfam Policy & Practice website, and search the site using the article title or author name.
There is free access to the Introduction, three articles and the Resources Section from the issue, below.
Introduction: Gender and the Sustainable Development Goals
Valeria Esquivel and Caroline Sweetman
Power and the Sustainable Development Goals: a feminist analysis
Valeria Esqivel
The 2030 Agenda: challenges of implementation to attain gender equality and women’s rights
Shahra Razavi
From the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals: shifts in purpose, concept, and politics of global goal setting for development
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
Tapping the Sustainable Development Goals for progressive gender equity and equality policy?
Gabriele Koehler
Leaving no-one behind: can the Sustainable Development Goals succeed where the Millennium Goals lacked?
Elizabeth Stuart and Jessica Woodroffe
Agenda 2030: A bold enough framework towards sustainable, gender-just development?
Nicole Bidegain Ponte and Corina Rodgríguez Enríquez
Women’s movements engagement in the SDGs: lessons learned from the Women’s Major Group
Sascha Gabizon
Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals: gender equality at last?
Daniela Rosche
Gender, security, and governance: the case of Sustainable Development Goal 16
Anne Marie Goetz and Rob Jenkins
Compiled by Lucia Rost
Resources List – Gender and the SDGs
Book Reviews
Edited by Liz Cooke
Gender and Climate Change: Impacts, Science, Policy
Reviewed by Susan Buckingham
Rethinking Gender in Revolutions and Resistance: Lessons from the Arab World
Reviewed by Zahia Smail Salhi
Beyond Mothers, Monsters, Whores: Thinking About Women’s Violence in Global Politics
Reviewed by Deborah Eade