Working on gender equality in urban areas
Volume 23 Issue 1 March 2015
Gender & Development last focused on urban development almost two decades ago. In our March 2015 issue, we are seeking to update the picture, examining progress in supporting women’s rights and the promotion of gender equality in the context of rapid and continuing urbanisation, enduring patriarchal power relations that result in oppression, abuse and violence, and growing inequality between global elites and the poor and powerless majority. Brand new case studies from practitioners, academics and activists – on topics including participatory methods in urban planning: urban governance and accountability; Safe Cities; and urban livelihoods – make abundantly clear that the voices of women living in urban poverty need to shape policy, both as a matter of social justice, and to ensure sustainable development for humanity.
Gender & Development in published by Routledge. If you are interested in subscribing to the journal, please visit the Routledge website. (Please note the reduced subscription rates available for low and middle-income countries.)
For free access to the articles in the Inequalities issue, please visit our page on the Oxfam Policy & Practice website, and search the site using the article title or author name.
You can access the Introduction, the first two articles and the Resources Section from the Working on gender equality in urban areas issue, free, below.
Introduction: Working on gender issues in urban areas
Alan Brouder and Caroline Sweetman
Campaigning to save market women’s livelihoods in Hanoi: experience from HealthBridge
Kristie Daniel, Debra Efroymson, Tran Thi KieuThanh Ha, Dinh Dang Hai and Sian Fitzgerald
Safe Cities programming and campaigning in the ActionAid Federation
Christy Abraham, Daphne Jayasinghe, Rachel Noble and Kasia Staszewska
SafetiPin: an innovative mobile app to collect data on women’s safety in Indian cities
Kalpana Viswanath and Ashish Basu
Community mentors as coaches: transforming gender norms through cricket among adolescent males in urban India
Madhumita Das, Ravi Verma, Sancheeta Ghosh, Samantha Ciaravino, Kelley Jones, Brian O’Connor and Elizabeth Miller
Working with legal pluralism: widowhood, property inheritance, and poverty alleviation in urban Senegal
Ruth Evans
Grassroots women’s accountability mechanisms: strengthening urban governance through organising and partnerships
Rachael Wyant and Katarina Spasić
Planning from below: using feminist participatory methods to increase women’s participation in urban planning
Sara Ortiz Escalante and Blanca Gutiérrez Valdivia
ActionAid’s Young Urban Women programme in urban India: taking an intersectional approach to decent work, unpaid care, and sexual and reproductive health and rights
Baishali Chatterjee
Compiled by Liz Cooke
Resources List – Working on gender equality in urban areas
Views, Events and Debates (subscriber-only access)
Edited by Liz Cooke
Book Reviews
Edited by Liz Cooke
Reviewed by Ines Smyth
Gender in Agriculture: Closing the Knowledge Gap
Reviewed by Dennis Aviles
Gender, War and Conflict
Reviewed by Jill Steans
Democracy, Gender, and Social Policy in Russia: A Wayward Society
Reviewed by Joanna Pares Hoare
Gender Perspectives and Gender Impacts of the Global Economic Crisis
Reviewed by Irene van Staveren
Women and Civil Society in Turkey: Women’s Movements in a Muslim Society
Reviewed by Cagla Diner
Gender Integration in NATO Military Forces: Cross-National Analysis
Reviewed by Claire Duncanson
Feminism and Men
Reviewed by Jemma Stringer